
Mono brings .NET and C# Programs to Linux and other OS’s

Mono is a project started by the Gnome guys to allow you to run .NET executables on Linux, and other operating systems. Currently these only work on Windows platformed machines. But with this open source project, it would be possible to run them anywhere. I am in the process of getting these to work on a Linux machine, and have had only fledgling success at getting them to run on my windows box. The cool thing is that you would be able to develop your ASP.NET application on your PC, with Visual Studio .NET, then take the deliverable and get them hosted on your Linux/Apache ISP. 🙂

They apparently already have the IBuySpy program that Microsoft released as a demo ecommerce application with the first release of .NET.

Of course the links:

Download Mono

Beginners guide to running Mono

Getting ASP.NET to work

More on ASP.NET and mono

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