
Time wasting games - 19.036


Bad words in source code

What if your mom knew you where putting words like this into source code... Seems to be in all comments, but interesting if its true.


Starbucks coffee names joke

This is pretty funny, it will take up your whole screen. Its got rude language so careful watching at work.


Dating Ideas

I have talked with several people on the different ways to meet people to date. There are several online services. As I get information about them, I will update this story.

  • Profile Posting - Generic post your picture and answer some questions and they match you up with people that checked the same boxes you did. This is a very favorable for the women type mechanism since the men do most of the emailing to women.

  • Social Groups - Several sites listed above also have 'mixers' and other social outings. This is a great way to just mingle with people. They usually have some activity to help people move around the room

  • Speed Dating - Haven't done this yet, but the concept is simple, you goto an event where they give you 5-10 minutes with about 6 'possible dates'. You both have a private list of six people that you then mark level of interest. If you have mutual (private) interest then and only then does the event coordinator provide contact information.

  • Dating Schools - Only found one class on this, and its basically a do's and don't of dating. Does it hurt to be reminded of this?

  • Dating Service - Old school dating services from the 80's. Go in with a photo, record a video tape about yourself. Etc.. - Profile Posting

Owned by Microsoft, has a fairly fast site. Several of my friends at work are on this, and have had good luck with meeting people. The key is to email people and read their profile first. Come on its not that difficult. - Social Group

This is the partner site to, where they have in person events. Attended only one mixer, and yet to do their Speeddating. Was interesting attending the event, and one friend is dating someone from the event. 🙂

Update 11/17/2003: These events are still fun to attend. Still haven't tried their speed dating yet. - Dating Classes

Was recommended to this by John, who took the class and really felt it helped him identify better ways to approach people to make a first impression and get that important first date. They offer a FREE class every Saturday which is not a dating service, its techniques only. Several classes were cancelled lately, and I haven't been able to attend. - Profile Posting

Mixed reviews on this from friends. - Profile Posting

Found out about friendster through some Burning Man friends. It works on the interesting concept of letting you know how the person you find interesting is connected to you. So if one of your friends knows this person, you can ask them to introduce you so that you are less of a stranger. For the most part it seems like a cross between a Yahoo Group and

Its in beta at the writing of this, and can be pretty slow some days.

Got this link from Marie, and I think its mostly a SanFran thing. I will be logging in and taking a look. This appears to be another "Post your self" and let people decide if your hot or not. 🙂 update 11/17/2003: Paul and I are both on this now, and I find that its proactive emailing you of matches and numerous tests very helpful in finding others. It also has a very nice email anonimizer, that allows you to use your home email address with privacy... it all gets routed through their servers :). - ???

Honestly don't remember how I found this site. Need to review later. - SpeedDating

Very few events in San Diego. update 02/25/2004: I finally went to one of these events. It was a great way to meet 20 women and find out if we atleast had initial chemistry. I found the event to be alot of fun, but it starts at 6:30, and you don't get done until around 9:30pm. So expect to commit your whole evening to this event. There are breaks where you can mingle around the bar and meet people. Definately recommend this to anyone dating. - Dating Service

I haven't really figured out what this is, I think its a paid service. I found it in the airplane magazine when flying back from Chicago. :-/ They want to justify their high monthly fee by stating you will save money from not having to pay for BAD dates? 12/9/2003 - Update Just talked to my friend Rachel that was looking into this. Its $1,500 for a year membership with 12 dates done at lunch. GASP!!!! Apparently if you can't make time to date, it must mean you have money to throw around. Well I guess it is a way to only find people that have a Job! I'll pass.

Great Expectations - Dating Service

Not heard good things about this place. Its a site that really is just a front end for the old fashion come in and make a profile dating service. From what I have heard they are very high pressure, and want a considerable amount of money. Their pitch is that its worth it, since you don't waste time.

Other Links


Read the Fine Print

Most products when you receive them come with the fine print legal terms... imagine if we all had to read the _SUPER_ fine print on this product, its actually on the silicon of the chip, you need a electron microscope to read it. This site has other fun things people have put on chips.


Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003 Domain Controller shuts down slowly

My Exchange 2003 Server which is running on Windows 2003, after the install of Exchange now takes about 10+ minutes to shut down.

It appears that the lsass service shuts down before system attendant

You can try making system attendant dependant on the lsass service

Google article about the problem

Google article with MS reply on a workaround

This batch file put in the policy for the computers shutdown script, may solve the problem as well

net stop "Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks"
net stop "Microsoft Exchange Information Store"
net stop "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant"

Q. After I install Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 on my domain controller (DC), why does the DC take so long to shut down?

A. Exchange relies heavily on Active Directory (AD) and uses several services to optimize AD communication. One of these services is the DSAccess service, which provides a cache of information from AD to various Exchange components, including the Information Store (IS), the Message Transfer Agent (MTA), and any other component that requires AD information. By recovering cached AD information, Exchange requires fewer direct queries to the DCs.

When you shut down a Windows Server 2003 DC, its services stop very quickly--faster than Windows 2000 services shut down, which is why this problem appears to be new to Windows 2003. An example of one such affected service is the Local Security Authority Subsystem (LSASS).

DSAccess uses this service heavily. Because this service stops before DSAccess can stop cleanly, the DSAccess service goes through several timeouts before the system can shut down (these timeouts are set to 10 minutes by default). Other Exchange services have a similar problem, causing even longer delays.

To resolve these delays, you can create a script that you manually run before stopping your computer, and the script will stop each Exchange service cleanly because AD is still running. Sample content for the script might include

net stop msexchangeis
net stop msexchangemta
net stop msexchangemgmt
net stop msexchangesa
net stop resvc
net stop smtpsvc
net stop w3svc
net stop httpfilter
net stop http
net stop iisadmin
net stop winhttpautoproxysvc

You can also add the Shutdown command to the end of your script to automate the whole shutdown and restart process.

Another approach is to change the amount of time Windows 2003 waits before killing a service that's not responding. To adjust this timeout period, perform the following steps:

  1. Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).

  2. Navigate to the

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl registry subkey.

  3. Double-click WaitToKillServiceTimeout.

  4. Change the value from the default of 600000 (10 minutes) to something else (e.g., 20000 for 20 seconds), then click OK.

  5. Close the registry editor.

Be aware that changing this registry value will change the wait period for all services to stop, so setting this value too low might cause problems with services if the OS is killing them before they can cleanly finish.


Scuba Diving Equipment

As I am looking to get out and go diving this year, I have been shoping for some things I need. A wetsuit and a dive log binder.


For this area in San Diego, a 7mm suit is what you really want, with a hood, gloves and feet. They are in the $350.00 range right now (December) but there should be a sale in the next month or two that could bring the price down.

Australia and Mexico could probably be OK with a 3mm suit, which will be about $150.00, but don't expect it to be warm enough to dive in San Diego, especially in the winter.

Ocean Enterprises in Clairmont sells XS Scuba wetsuits.

Probably best to just rent suits for $5 to $10 a day.


Sports Chalet - Found the Red Diver Log - $19.00!!!

Diver Down Red Dive Log Binder - 3-Ring - $18.95

Sports Chalet - Red Diver Down Flag with Sports Chalet logo on front - $19.95!

Trident GB-03 3-Ring binder from Ocean Enterprises $27.95


Countries and States I have visited

Create a countries visited map

create your own visited country map

Create a states visited map

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide


Traffic in San Diego

As I am sitting here at work at 5pm on a very rainy day. It was brought to my attention that I might want to work even later! Apparently there is an accident on the freeways every 3 minutes tonight.

There are some other traffic watch type links but I don't have them yet. Can you help me out and post some replies or email me some links?


Quiet Fans for your PC or external enclosure