
Ozone Free lights that kill e.coli

At $39.95 a bulb, you won't find these in my household anytime soon.

THE EVOLUTION: O•ZONELite™ is an amazing technological breakthrough! We combined an energy efficient light source with a TiO2 (titanium dioxide) coating to effectively help in the elimination of airborne bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, smoke and household odors. With the discovery of the proper binders, we were able to combine the liquid compound of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) to a compact fluorescent light that will last for 6,000 hours. That is 8 times longer than your traditional incandescent light bulbs! This state-of-the-art technology is not only effective and easy to use, but is the most affordable way to enjoy the benefits of TiO2's (titanium dioxide) photocatalytic action. The TiO2 (titanium dioxide) photocatalytic action is achieved when combined with a properly balanced light source. This action reduces harmful microorganisms that are constantly circulating through the air into harmless CO2 (carbon dioxide, which is expelled during respiration) and H2O (water), thus completely eliminating the microorganism, making O•ZONELite™ completely safe for humans and animals.

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