
Virtual Desktops

I wanted the ability to have virtual desktops. No product seems to do what I want... most likely because windows wasn't designed for it. Because I would like to have a window for browsing web sites, reading email, instant messaging, and my calendar.

Virtuawin - John Writes: I been using it for a few years now and had relatively little problems. Lately the only problems that I have had has been with the third party modules.

Control Center - TJ Writes: I have been using this for a couple days with 4 desktops configured, and a plugin to the Windows Taskbar. It works fairly well, but is very basic. Doesn't have good ability to move windows from desktop to desktop. Window switching from the desktop is best done with the ALT-TAB which when a window is brought to focus the window changes. Downside new windows show up on the active desktop... even from already running apps. Might be configurable. To download it you need to get Object Desktop

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