
Run as Normal User – Windows SUDO steps

I found a couple articles about how to configure your home system so that you don't have to be logged in as administrator on a daily basis, and then can launch specific applications as Administrator only when you need them. This is known in the computing world as a GOOD way to do things. Sadly most Windows applications require you to be Administrator to install software, and don't give you an option to provide an additional login/password (like when you join a machine to a domain). Here are the links and the key ways to setup applications to run as Administrator.

I wish that .CPLs and .MSCs were smarter about normal users. I want to be a normal user, open a Control Panel applet, and have it prompt me for credentials if needed. Same thing for the administrative tools. I am going to create these as "Shortcuts" and put them in my user directory, and instead of Administrator, us %SUDOUSER% environment variable, so that I can set it per machine I'm on. Having CPL's and MSC's prompt for an elevated account would solve these problems. Sigh.

Here's what I do instead.

Control Panel
I create a set of shortcuts in a folder called “Control Panel”:

      runas.exe /user:Administrator "control access.cpl"

I even set the icon by pointing it back at the .CPL file.Administrative Tools
I do something similar with a folder called “Administrative Tools”:

      runas.exe /profile /user:Administrator "mmc %windir%\System32\compmgmt.msc"

Both folders go into the “Admin Tools“ folder, along with:

CMD w/ network

      runas.exe /env /user:Administrator "runas.exe /user:%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% /env /netonly \"cmd\""

There’s a bug in Windows XP where certain controls running in this mode just won’t paint. It seems to be fixed in Windows Server 2003. Don’t know about Windows XP SP2.


      runas.exe /env /user:Administrator "cmd"

Explorer w/ network.
Enable “Launch folder windows in a separate process”, as both yourself & Administrator.

      runas.exe /env /user:Administrator "runas.exe /user:%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% /env /netonly \"explorer\""

Task manager

      runas.exe /user:Administrator taskmgr.exe


      runas.exe /user:Administrator regedit.exe –m

The Admin Tools folder then becomes a toolbar on my taskbar. With all this in place, I can get by as a normal user.

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