
MP3 File Renaming and Tagging

If you have an iPod, having correctly tagged MP3's is important. In the past, with the first versions of ID3 tags, there was not alot of options of what you could store in the tags. Now a days, most people don't seem to put much in the tags, and most file names are very useless. iTunes for example names files as Track Number and Song Title. Thats IT. So getting good information in the ID3 or ID3v2 tag is important so atleast your player can give you good information about the song. Most CAR MP3 players only seem to look at the filename, not the ID3 tag. Hopefully this will change.

There are several useful programs for looking up ID3 Tags.

Music Match - I like Music Match's program because it has a pretty good engine for looking up album information from just filenames. It also allows you to paste a Photo of the album art right into the MP3 itself. Which, is annoying that all that data needs to be copied to each MP3 file. So be sure to pick a nice small thumbnail.

ID3-Tagit - Got this link from Tad, its a nice little .NET program that lets you rename files, supports ID3v2 tags, pull tag information from the net and more. Its a must have.

MadiTag - A VB application that yours truely maintained after the original author moved onto other things. Mostly I like the ability to have specific fields 'stick' as you tag multiple files. It also allows you to clean up and rename files. It uses a much older naming convention than what is currently used now.

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