
XBOX Media Player (XBMP)

Well I sure did show alot of self control. I am now the proud owner of a XBox chip. I don't even own a freakin Xbox yet. And... I got 2 other people to buy one with me so I now am on the line to help them chip their systems. Basically there are 4 of us heading over to another guys house who already has this working and are going to mimic his setup. 😉 SWEET!!!!

The key is to get the cromwell bios onto the chip, and then install the Evolution Menu system. From there the other programs get loaded... which will be the Media Player.

Update: Read the following site to get a full download of the tools without having a network connection. xbox-scene - slayers evox v2.5

The Chip


Evolution Tutorial - mod chips

Currently looking for the X-ecuter 2.3 Plus Modchip , and v3.0 is coming out soon as well.

Place to buy testing chips Contact Page

Comparison of X-ecuter 2.3 Lite / Pro - News

Wiring for 2.3b Lite


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