
Upgrading my XBOX

Ok mike, earl and I spent 4 hrs yesterday getting mine setup. It works. I have the chip installed. The BIOS updated (the most time consuming... But will now take 6 minutes). XBox is backed up. And a new 120gig hdd is installed.

I have backed up 6 of my games.

Halo and DOA3 run from the local disk, so the discs sit on the shelf

The sega genisis emulator rocks

The slide show program is buggy

Downloading games to my computer at 7MB/s yes megabytes!

Only thing I have to chat with the guys on the irc channel is how to hide the modchip during post. No matter what it keeps loading up.

There are a couple things I need to update about what you need to get going.

  • EvolutionX - CD to allow you to FTP to the xbox

  • QWIX - Makes ISO's of your backed up files

  • DVD2XBOX - Copies your game to the HDD

  • How do you get the MSFT dash back (default.xbe)

  • X2BM - Creates BIOS.BIN files to update your executer 2 mod chip

  • DeadFile - Creates a 100MB file for your BIOS

  • xcuter 4979 BIOS vs Cromwell BIOS - fill 2 slots with Xcuter / 2 with Cromwell

  • Nero - Burns your DVD-R's

More Links
Team Xecuter -

Cromwell Flashing Tutorial -

Qwix ISO COmpile + Nero Burning Tutorial -

Creating a Bios Image file - - hosted on an XBOX using gentoox

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